black cat silhouette with orange full moon backdrop

How to Stay Productive and Inspire Creativity this November

The end of October ends with a celebratory bang — the whirlwind of pumpkins, sugar highs and horrific fantasies that Halloween brings leaves us in a hard shutdown by November 1st. It was as if all that hype was for nothing, as if we’re left in the dark as cold shells for the bleak month of November. I refuse to let go of the creative streak and inspiration Halloween brings, and you don’t have to either. Here is how to keep the energy high and carry the momentum that peaks for many of us in October.


1 || Give Yourself a Second Fresh Start

fall productivity: apple and coffee on stacked books
Hit the books with a classic Autumn pick-me-up.

After the beginning of the school year wears off, so does our motivation. November signals that the semester is well more than half over. We’ve had ample opportunities to make mistakes and get messy, which leads to a negative attitude, neglected projects and an unorganized workspace. Give yourself permission to step back from your work and take a well needed break. Make time for yourself every evening or take a mental health day to regain your focus with therapeutic destressing activities. Organize your workspace so it is functional, inspirational and keeps you productive. Come back with a killer game plan, so you can complete tasks and meet end of year deadlines for all your projects.

2 || Relish the Last of Autumn

Pumpkins displayed by door to inspire in November
Pumpkins are festive at the peak of the harvest season.

Many of us are cued in to sidereal transitions before Halloween and feel a sense of ending come November 1. Maybe it’s a tradition we inherited from our ancestors, but we should make the most to let our pagan roots inspire us! Did you know that Novemeber 1 was the official holiday to celebrate the Pagan New Year? Halloween ended the year in ancient times, so make November your month to start resolutions and plan projects early. This time of year represented an end to the harvest, but in today’s society, we have the means to still enjoy it. Continue to enjoy pumpkin treats, hot beverage and harvest meals of potatoes, squash, and root vegetables, for the season of autumn is still upon us!

3 || Create November Rituals

Boot shot surrounded by favorite autumn things for creative productivity in November
Just a few of your favorite things to kick off an autumn hike.

That warm, cozy feeling with all our favorite things in September and October leaves us feeling a void come November. We don’t seem to enjoy the same weekend routines that served us so well in early autumn. Create your own inspiration with new November rituals! If it is too late in the year to enjoy scenic hiking routes, local orchards or fall foliage photography, bring the outdoor inspiration inside. Print out black and white photography to make a gallery wall, paint tree branch silhouettes over sunset horizons or take this time to edit your October foliage shots. Find a new coffee favorite and start each morning by journaling or writing affirmations or read a new book before you plan your day. Take advantage of rain-free weekends and gather with friends and serve mulled cider around a bonfire.


4||  Soothe your Soul with Sensual Ambience

Enchanted Halloween Fairy Jack-o-lantern to inspire fall creativity
Set the ambience so every November evening is enchanted.

Everything around you may look dead and lifeless, but don’t let it affect you! Cozy up in the evenings and tap into your sensuality. You will stay warm and feel invigorated and alive. When you experience sensory imagery that stimulates the olfactory senses, you will feel happy and inspired to create beautiful things! Pick up on inspiration from nature and incorporate black, white and gray into your aesthetic. These classic neutrals offer a bold look against the grim background and you are free to add your personality to the style with any shade for a fun pop of color. Light up the night with black candles to ward off any negativity in your mind or living space or go for some twinkle lights for an enchanted evening. Pour a glass of red wine and set the mood with instrumental music for the perfect ambience. Use essential oils like patchouli, sage or cedarwood for a potent, earthy smell that will clear out any stale reluctance and bring on the good vibes.


5 || Make Magic Happen

witch flies on broomstick across full moon to inspire creativity on November 1
Emulate the magic from within this November.

Halloween tales and haunting lore captures our imaginations every year, and then it fades with the liminal holiday. The secret is that the magic comes from within. Nothing is going to happen without a positive, organized mindset. When you align your thoughts, feelings and intentions, you have the power to make beautiful changes happen and will gift yourself new opportunities. Use these tips to plan and focus your personal alignment and set yourself up for a productive life this Novemeber. Take advantage of this special time of year and seize the change of autumn to channel your creativity and make your own magic happen.


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